Harworth Christie Organ Enthusiasts

Calendar of Events 2024 - 2025

Dance Dates 2024 Concert Dates 2024
September 28 Graeme Scarlett September 29 Kevin Grunill AGM (1.45 pm)
Concert (2.30 pm)*
October 26 Matthew Bason October 27 Matthew Bason
November 23 Bill King & Hilary November 24 David Redfern
December 14 Stuart Fox Christmas Dance December 15 NO CONCERT
Dance Dates 2025 Concert Dates 2025
January 25 Philip Randles Annual Buffet Dance January 26 Elizabeth Harrison
February 22 Cameron Lloyd February 23 Cameron Lloyd
March 22 Joanne Powell March 23 Chris Powell
April 26 Stphen Foulkes April 27 David Ivory
May 24 Charles Brown May 25 Declan Poole
June 28 Bill King & Hilary June 29 Christian Cartwright
Dancing from 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm Concerts start at 2.30 pm
*except AGM